
You can view a sample of my published writing work over on the excellent Clippings website (which displays my work in a much more polished way than I ever could) – have a look at my writing portfolio here where you’ll find features published in the Guardian, Stylist magazine, HuffPost UK and more.

Or if you’re sticking around, here are some direct links to a few bits and bobs scribbled by me…

Parenting blogging – I am a contributor to parenting website The MotherHood writing about things to see and do and reviewing theatre, eateries and activities.

Award entries – I’ve written award entries for the Mayor of London culture team (for their ‘Punk London’ campaign in 2016) and the Museum of London where two have risen near the top – ‘Fatberg!’ was shortlisted and given a Mark of Excellence (runner-up) nod in the CIPR Awards 2019. Another entry for the museum’s ‘Crime Museum Uncovered’ exhibition secured it a ‘Highly Commended’ nod in the PR Week Awards 2016.

Travel writing/blogging – I am founding editor of online responsible travel magazine Goodtrippers (take a browse of the site to view a selection of my features and reviews). Currently paused, as soon as I have some spare time I will be reviving the site soon…(honestly!).

Opinion editorial – see my ghost-authored op-ed, on behalf of The Clothworkers’ Company in Philanthropy Impact magazine