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Oh my, we certainly need a laugh right now. Laughter’s pretty good – it not only improves our mood (surprise) but can also alleviate anxiety, reduce blood pressure, boost heart health, and strengthen the immune system. Don’t just take my word for it – check out these actual, real scientific facts (I love science).
And if it’s taking a little more effort nowadays to get those laughter muscles moving, it’s good to know that laughter is also infectious. When we see or hear other people laughing, our brain preps our facial muscles to join in (scientifically proven!).
So, for my own enjoyment if nothing else, I’ve been seeking out clips of other people getting the giggles or laughing uncontrollably – and I’m going to share them with you… It can be our own little good mood booster – a little light relief in our inboxes of doom. Think of it as a small public service during these Covid times (and absolutely not a way to justify hours wasted browsing the web during lockdown, honestly…).
Laughter is often at its funniest when people aren’t meant to be laughing at all – the news reader laughing at a slip-up, the politician getting the giggles, a performer cracking up on stage. Contagious! will share the best unintended laughter I can find on the internet.
So join us and sign-up to receive your free Contagious! newsletter – never more than once a fortnight (I’m just not that organised), and I’ll never sell your data or spam you with anything other than the newsletter you’ve signed-up for. And if you spot any great unintended laughter clips that you think would be worth sharing in Contagious!, email me at kerry [at]